Free or Low-Cost Counseling in Sleepy Hollow, NYÂ *
* Please note that fees are set by providers are usually free-to-low-cost based on your income. Results may also include sponsored providers in order to support OpenCounseling's mission (learn more).
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BetterHelp (a sponsor) offers affordable online therapy with financial aid based on your income. All therapists are licensed. Get 20% off your first month with this link.
Locally, the following clinics also offer online therapy:
Open Door Family Medical Center. Others on this list may too. Please check with the individual providers.
Qualifying for assistance from New York's program usually depends on the severity of your condition and financial circumstance. Read our full guide to New York's program. (a sponsor) offers affordable online marriage counseling with financial aid based on your income. All therapists are licensed. Get 20% off your first month with this link.
Locally, our users report the following clinics offering marriage counseling:
Open Door Family Medical Center. Others may also offer marriage counseling, please call to inquire.