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Suicide & Crisis Lines

British Armed Forces Link (Netherlands)
0602 222 88
National (to Samaritans)

Netherlands Suicide Hotline

Netherlands Emergency Number

Stitching 113Online
0900 0113
provides a 24/7 national suicide prevention phone line and webchat. 113Online

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Aids / Sexual Health

AIDS Action Europe
31 20 62 62 669
Soa Aids Nederland (STI AIDS Netherlands), Keizersgracht 392, 1016 GB Amsterdam, Netherlands

AIDS Fonds
31 20 62 62 669
Keizersgracht 390-394, 1016 GB Amsterdam

AIDS Healthcare Foundation
31 20 626 6267
Keizersgracht 518, 1017 EK Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Bridging the Gaps – Health and rights for key populations
31 20 62 62 669
Aids Fonds, Keizersgracht 392, 1016 GB Amsterdam, The Netherlands

COC Nederland
31 20 623 45 96
Nieuwe Herengracht 49, 1011 RN Amsterdam

Correlation Network
31 20 5317600
c/o Foundation De Regenboog Groep, Droogbak 1d, 1013 GE Amsterdam, Netherlands

Dutch Foundation for STI and AIDS Control – SOA AIDS Nederland
31 20 62 62 669
Keizersgracht 390-394, 1016 GB Amsterdam

FEW International
31 20 638 1718
Van Diemenstraat 48, 1013 NH Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Global Network of People Living With HIV/AIDS (GNP+)
31 20 42 34 114
Central Secretariat PO Box 11726, 1001 GS Amsterdam, Netherlands

HIV Vereniging Nederland
31 20 61 60 160
Postbus 15847, 1001 NH Amsterdam

International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI)
31 20 52 10 030
Herengracht 208, 1016BS Amsterdam, Netherlands

International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI)
31 20 531 76 00
Postbus 10887, 1001 EW Amsterdam

31 20 528 7828
Keizersgracht 392, 1016 GB Amsterdam, Netherlands

TAMPEP International Foundation – Transnational AIDS/STD Prevention among Migrant Prostitutes in Europe Project
31 20 692 69 12
Eerste Helmersstraat 17 B3, 1054 CX Amsterdam, Netherlands

Domestic & Sexual Violence

Blijf Groep (North Holland domestic violence shelter group)
020 611 6022

Children’s Hotline
0800 0432

Huiselijkgeweld Meldpunt (domestic violence hotline)
0900 1 262626

Kezban Foundation
06-12 50 7996

Stichting Korrelatie (for help with relationship problems)
0900 1450

The primary aid line for help after sexual violence
020 613 0245

Veiligthuis (National Domestic Violence, Child Abuse and Elderly Abuse)
0800 2000

Gay & Lesbian (GLBTQ)

Amsterdam Gay Pride Foundation
31 (0)6 1479 3189

COC Amsterdam
31 (0)20 626 3087

Police Amsterdam
31 (0)88 169 1234
The local police department operates a project called ‘Roze in Blauw’, in which officers with an affinity with the local LGBTI community are available to help anyone harassed or discriminated against because of their sexuality.

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