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Suicide & Crisis Lines

La Main Tendue
Secretariat central Zahringerstrasse 53
Case postale 835 CH-3000 BERNE 9

41 (0) 27 321 21 21
CP 2287 – 1950 Sion 2

Online Counseling

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Aids / Sexual Health

Universitätsspital Zürich-Abteilung Infektionskrankheiten
044 255 37 76

044 255 11 11
Rämistrasse 100 8091 Zürich No appointment: Monday and Wednesday 5.15pm-6.15pm (announce at the main entrance) With appointment: 044 255 20 27 (Monday to Thursday 7:30am-12am, 1:15pm-5pm)

Domestic & Sexual Violence

Dargebotene Hand (crisis helpline)
<a “telno” href=”tel:143″>143

End Human Trafficking Now!” & “Friends of Humanity”
<a “telno” href=”tel:41228070762″>41 22 80 707 62

<a “telno” href=”tel:0444369000″>044 436 90 00

Gay & Lesbian (GLBTQ)

LGBT+ Helpline
<a “telno” href=”tel:0800133133″>0800 133 133

Online Counseling

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